Collection of Head Study Paintings from Friday Painting Club
Sunday, October 30, 2011
End of the semester group critique and pizza party: Spring 2011
Many paintings, diverse characters and styles.
We began with James.
James invited his father for an experience and to show his progress. Hope he wasn't nervous talking about his paintings in front of him.
Alex Velazquez; In this term, Alex painted a number of small studies.With the name like his, he'd better produce some excellent paintings.
Nicolas Martinez
Marcie commenting on one of Nicolas's paintings.
Though he started out a bit nervous, Nicolas's soon relaxed and brought some laughters to the group…
…Including to Sherine, one of our guest models for the semester.Joyce couldn't participate due to her travel schedule.
Jacob Sanders
Rachel talking about Jacob's paintings.
Dana making some funny comments about Jacob's paintings.
Rachel Stukenberg; Rachel posed for the group in the previous semester without painting with us. This semester she started participating in the session as well.
Matt Clymore
Jacob commenting on Matt's paintings.
Dana Olson
Marcie's turn, before she had to make an early exit to run some errands.
Paintings in this blog are head study paintings done in Friday Painting Club with students at the American Academy of Art, where I teach oil painting classes. They are painted in oil from life as we take turns posing for each other during a 3-hour session.
Although this blog is mainly about paintings from the Friday sessions, I plan to post additional head study paintings from other occasions.
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